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​Advanced Placement Biology


AP Biology
This course is designed following the curriuclum outlined by the College Board. The College Board has identified 7 Science Practices and each unit focuses on one or more of these practiTces while centering all learning around the "4 Big Ideas."
The goal is to prepare students to sit for and successfully take the AP Biology exam in the spring. The course is a rigorous fast place class that is similar to what students will find in a college setting. The students learn the principles of biology through their textbook, labs three days a week, written homework, and a number of supplemental readings deisgned to enhance the core content.
Students taking this course should expect to comit substantial time outside of the regular class in order to fully grasp the content.


Summer Work 2019

This summer students will be participating in the study of the Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique. Students will be using this real-life study to help them to better understand the concepts of ecology, biodiversity, conservation, and data analysis. Some of the students' work will contribute to the research and preservation efforts of this world treasure. By completing the 8 following exercises students will gain a better understanding of our environment, how it is studied, and how we as a society can help to maintain the rich diversity of Earth.

The study of the Gorongosa restoration project clearly demonstrates the modern application of ecology concepts outlined in your textbook. To help reinforce the ideas I have carefully selected the following questions from various chapters in your textbook to help reinforce the concepts and in some cases introduce you to them completely. Many of the answers to the assigned questions can be found in the back of your book in the appendix. This is to guide you in your answers, but no one's answers should be exactly like those found in the text. I suggest that you first answer the question on your own and then check it against what is in the appendix. Modify your answer(s) as you see fit. You will notice that you have not been assigned questions from all sections of each chapter. This does not mean that the content in that section is not important. You should still be familiar with the content. It is more than likely content that you should already know, or content with less of an emphasis. You can type or write your answers. No questions should be answered with a simple "yes" or "no". You will receive no credit for answers like this.


Chapter 54: Behavioral Biology

          section 10: "Learning Outcomes" pg 1151

                              "Data Analysis" pg 1152

          section 11: "Learning Outcomes Review 54.12" pg 1160


Chapter 55: Ecology of Individuals and Populations

          section 1: "Inquiry Question" & "Data Analysis" pg 1166

          section 3: "Data Analysis" pg 1172

          section 5: "Learning Outcomes" pg 1175

                            "Data Analysis" pg 1175

                            "Inquiry Questions" pg 1176

          section 6: "Learning Outcomes Review 55.6" pg 1180


Chapter 56: Community Ecology

          section 2: "Learning Outcomes" pg 1189

                            "Inquiry Question" pg 1191

                            "Inquiry Question" pg 1193 (top left; Figure 56.7)

          section 4: "Data Analysis" & "Inquiry Question" pg 1203

          section 5: "Learning Outcomes Review 56.5" pg 1206


Chapter 57: Dynamics of Ecosystems

          section 2: "Inquiry Question" pg 1221

          section 3: "Learning Outcomes Review 57.3" pg 1225


Chapter 59: Conservation Biology

          section 1: "inquiry Question" & "Data Analysis" pg 1263

          CASE STUDY: Pick 2 of the case studies described in this chapter (there are 11). For each of the 2 case studies you pick write a                                   brief summary and explain how it demonstrates or supports one of the major topics/concepts that you have                                         been studying throughout the summer unit on ecology. Each summary should be no more than 10 sentences.                                     The summaries should demonstrate a concise consummate understanding of the content that supports it and                                     a clear and accurate use of the terms associated with it.















          Lesson 1: WildCam How-to

                          In this lesson you will become familiar withe Gorongosa fauna by examining images taken using wildlife cameras                                  throughout the park. By analyzing these images you will not only be learning about the animals, but you will also be                            helping the restoration efforts.     

                         - Click on the link above and follow the instructions to get familiar with the field camera images of the Gorongosa

                         - In addition to simply getting to know the webcam, you will record information about 10 of your images that you                                  analyzed. If the website will not allow you to access the trail camera images, you can still view the images of the                                   types of animals that live in Gorongosa. You will simply choose 10 animals from the "stock" examples on the                                         website to complete this portion of the assignment. You will create your own "field guide." To include the following                               information for each image you're using:

                                           1. The common name and the scientific name of the animal (you will not use an image with no animals or                                                  people as the subject)

                                           2. An image of the organism. 

                                           3. Identify 2 of the facts from the "Information" tab. If the field guide is still having issues, you will need to                                               access information about each animal from an outside source. The images for the animals have been                                                     working consistently, however, the information has not. 

                                           4. List and describe information found in 3 of the 5 topics at the bottom (Habitat, Diet, Predators, Behavior,                                                and Breeding)


          Lesson 2: The Gorongosa Timeline

                          The focus of lesson 2 will be to discover the rich history of Gorongosa and explore how it has changed over the                                     decades. In order to complete this lesson you will need to access the interactive timeline as well as the video The                                 Guide. You will also be using the interactive map to obtain a better understanding of the geography of the park.                                   Each of these three resources need to be extensively explored in order to successfully complete the assignment for                             this lesson.


          Lesson 3: Wildcam Gorongosa  DO NOT COMPLETE Lesson 3. It will not hurt your grade on summer work.

                         Once again you will be accessing the Wildcam to interpret images for the biodiversity study.  Be sure to login to your                          account. Follow the instructions on your handout. 


          Lesson 4: Focus on Food

                          You will explore the complex energy relationships of the organisms of the Gorongosa. Once again, you will be                                       accessing the field guide to gain better knowledge of the animals in the park. You will begin this lesson with a brief                               review of food chains, and then progress through food webs, trophic structures, energy pyramids, and finally                                           disturbances. You will use the field guide you created to complete this portion of the assignment. 

                          Part 1

                          Part 2

                          Part 3

                          Part 4


          Lesson 5: Scientists at work - Tracking Lion Recovery

                          In this lesson you will follow scientists as they study the behavior of lions to determine there response to the                                         restoration efforts of the park and possible hinderances to their recovery. Complete the worksheet as you watch.


          Lesson 6: Gorongosa: the Biome

                          You will be using the interactive map to study the Gorongosa biome. You will learn what a climatogram is, how to                                 construct one, and how they are used to identify and study biomes around the world.


          Lesson 7: Habitat Comparison

                          In this activity you will be choosing 2 habitats of your choice in the Gorongosa National Park and comparing and                                   contrasting them based on imges provided for each. Access the files below and then choose 2 regions to compare                               according to your instructions:


                                            Archway Gorge

                                            Charingoma Plateau




                                            Urema River



















Cells Review links:

Use the following links to complete the cell structure review.


Organelles Review:

CLICK for the links to the games you will play to review the organelles and their functions.


Use the following links to complete the case study entitled: "A Different Kind of Stress"


 Before beginning the case:


     Part II: cell structure video links:


     Part III: Response



Cytoskeleton Infertility Case study 

For this case study you will be learning about the importance of the cytoskeleton in medicine. You have already viewed the first video in class, but you are  more than welcome to review it to help you answer the questions. The second video takes a closer look at fertilization of a human egg. This is the video mentioned at the beginning of the case study. 


         Cytoskeleton video link

         Fertilization video link


Magic Bullets Case study

Download the PowerPoint presentation to complete this case study. This case study focuses on the role of enzymes and inhibitors in the body. Please answer the embedded questions on a separate piece of paper. Make sure to click the links to view the accompanying videos. 

Magic Bullet PowerPoint 


Yew Case Study video links:


           Who killed yew?


Do You Have What it Takes?

This gaming simulation walks you through the controls necessary for accurate cell division. As you work through the simulation, complete the accompanying worksheet and turn it in when finished.



The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle and Cancer: In Depth

In this HHMI online interactive simulation you will be further exploring the chemical controls of the cell cycle to help you to differentiate between a normal cell and a cancerous cell. Use the link below to access the model.


        "The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle and Cancer: In Depth"


Karyotyping Online Activity

Use this link to complete the exercise. Answer the questions in the accompanying packet and turn in.


lab link


Patterns of Heredity

Use the links below to learn more about the importance of fruit flies to genetics research. Start at the home page to learn a little bit more about them and their science background. Then, use the links that coordinate with the handouts to complete the three exercises.


virtual labs


Once you have completed the three virtual labs, turn in your packet.



Mona Lisa Case Study Links

question #4 link

question #5 link (this is the link to the articles in "Nature". The first link is the same as #4)

question #6 link 

question #7 link 1 (link 2 is not working)

*You do not have to read and take notes on the article mentioned at the bottom of page 3.*

question #10 link

question #14 link

link referenced at the bottom of page 7 

question #17 link

question #18 link


Genetics Mutations


As DNA is continually copied, mutations will invariably occur. Sometimes those mutations are also the result of mutagens. In either case, mutations can have deleterious effects or they can be responsible for increased variation in a species.

In this activity, you will explore the effects of mutations in various scenarios. Use the links below along with the handouts to explore the mutations.


The Outcome of Mutation

Test Neurofibromin Activity in a Cell


Lac Operon

Use the link below to complete the lac operon simulations. Once you follow the link click on the "Run Now" button to launch the simulation. Complete the accompanying worksheets and then turn in your work.


Gene expression - the Basics


Gene Machine - the Lac Operon


Biotechnology and NCBI

Use the following link to explore NCBI and complete the accompanying worksheet.





Stem Cells in the Spotlight

Follow the link below to complete the stem cell lab. Answer the questions and complete the table.


introduction to stem cells


Ebola Disease Detectives 

Use the following link to view the accompanying video

Think Like a Scientist: Natural Selection in an Outbreak


HIV Simulation

Use the following link to enter the HIV simulation link with a partner. Complete the activity and answer the questions.

          simulation link

          ***HINT: print out the "fluid exchanges" and the Elisa results. It will be easier to analyze the results with a hard                      copy in hand.***


Exploring Plants

Use the following links to further explore the structure and chemistry of plants.

Plant parts

Monocots vs. Dicots

Plant Hormones


Downloadable Content

DUE DATE for all summer work!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019 by 3:00pm


Due to some unforeseen issues with the Gorongosa website, some of the assignments below have been modified. All modifications will REDUCE your work. Please read carefully. I have made all changes in RED, so they will stand out for you. Sorry for the inconvenience. 



Ecology                          The Chemistry of Life                 The Cell: Structure and Function

Cell Processes              From Gene to Protein                Evolution



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