​This is an accelerated course in the study of the structure and function of the human body. The textbook that is used for this course is a college text book and the material is challenging. Students will also be given an atlas with detailed pictures of real life examples of the systems of study. This class also includes a laboratory component. Dissections are an integral part of this course.
It is required that students have taken and successfully completed either academic biology or chemistry. A teacher recommendation is required.
The Mystery of the Bones
A look at forensic anthropology as bones are studied. You will follow the links as prompted on your assignment sheet and answer the questions as you progress. Explore the other areas of the websites in order to have a deeper appreciation of the use of bones in analyzing history, culture, and crimes.
Click the following links below as instructed on your paper...
"Let Evidence Reveal the Truth"
"Investigative Techniques in Forensic Anthropology"
Once you have completed thquiz with a partner and scored an 80% or higher continue with the actiivty by following the links below.
Part 2 - "THE SCENE"
- Use the evidence presented on this page along with the bone sets handed out.
- Continue with the activty using your bone sets.
- Use the sketches to determine whether your ideas matched up with the reconstructions
created. Discuss why they are different or the same. Use infromation previously gathered
to help you discuss the strungths and weaknesses of the reconstruction process.
**The preceeding activity was taken from and used under common licensing laws for educational purposes.
​Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology Tissues Overview of Organ Systems
Integumentary system Skeletal system & joints Muscular system
Nervous System Senses Endocrine system
Blood Cardiovascular system Respiratory system
Digestive system Urinary system Lymphatic system
Reproductive system & human development