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Welcome to the home page of Ms. Saeler. I teach the courses listed below at Sharpsville High School. Click on the links below for more details about each course.
Ms. Saeler - Sharpsville Science Department
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MWF: pd 11 (planning period)
TH: pd 5/6 (planning period)
M-F: before school 7:30-7:50
M-F: lunch B
M-F: pd 8/9 (lecture hall)
M-F: after school until 3:30 by appt.
Testing water samples for chlorophyll a, total phosphorous, and pH. | Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology field trip day 1 - water sample collection on Conneaut Lake. | Using D-nets to obtain kick samples in the creek. |
Field trip to collect stream samples. | AP Bio students at Linesville creek in town. Field trip day 2. | Macroinvertebrate identification from field site. |
Sifting the lake sample for invertebrates from the benthos. | Collecting water on Conneaut Lake for chemical analysis back at the field house. | Using the multi-reader probed to obtain water chemistry readings. |
Collecting phytoplankton samples for identification. |
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